A Message from the President

As President of Freedom Montessori, I, along with the advisory board, would like to express our sincere gratitude regarding your decision in allowing us to educate the minds and strengthen the spirits of your children. Since the inception of Freedom Temple Ministries in 2000, our goal has been to establish and provide a quality educational experience where children come first. In an effort to fulfill this task, a qualified and effective Head of School, along with a highly trained core of staff has been selected to escort your children though their unique Montessori education experience.

Please note, I along with our Head of School, stand ready to receive and respond to your compliments as well as concerns. I may be contacted directly at 803.327.7888 or hcrump@ftmrockhill.org.

Once again, thank you for entrusting your children into our care.


Rev. Herbert C. Crump Jr.,

